Independent funeral directors at your service

Please Note : There appears to be an issue with the telephone line at Abergele - Please ring Denbigh (01745 812935) if you are unable to get through to anyone at Abergele (posted Friday pm 27/12/2024)
Speak with us

Here for you 24/7

Saying goodbye to a loved one is hard and our team will be right by your side to help you give a fitting tribute. Our funeral directors have many years of experience, and are available at any time of the day to help you organise the right send-off for your loved one.  We are a member of the National Society of Allied and Independent Funeral Directors and abide by the SAIF Code of Practice.
About us in Welsh

Affordable funeral services

Planning a funeral can be a step too far at such a difficult time, which is where we come in.  We are here to take care of every single aspect of the service, all at an affordable price. Whether you want a religious funeral or an environmentally-friendly, non-traditional service, we will carry out your wishes with the utmost care and respect.

How can our funeral directors help?

  • We can advise on all aspects of a funeral, including the process of registering a death
  • We will take care of making all the arrangements, right from booking a chapel of rest to selecting the flowers
  • A fully itemised estimate will be provided to you
  • We are available at any time of the day to discuss any detail of the service, or about things that you may need to consider after a funeral
Funeral services

We also offer pre-paid funeral plans

Golden Charter plans
If you are looking for a pre-paid funeral plan, get in touch with us.


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